There are several factors that might cause hands and feet to be cold and clammy, and the condition is called Hyperhidrosis. Other factors that may contribute to this condition include genes, stressful situations, and the environment. Here are some examples. If you have this condition, you might want to talk to your doctor about it..


Excessive sweating in hands and feet can be a symptom of hyperhidrosis, a condition in which a person sweats more than is necessary to regulate their body temperature. This excessive sweating can occur even when the person is not exerting themselves. It can also cause the affected person to experience clammy hands and feet. This excessive sweating can be embarrassing and can limit one's activities.

There are several treatment options for hyperhidrosis, including nonsurgical and surgical methods. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's team of physicians works closely with the patient to explore all options for addressing the problem. This team approach ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment.

Medications to control the condition can include topical antiperspirants and dietary changes. A doctor may also prescribe anticholinergic drugs to help with the problem. However, they can cause other unpleasant side effects, such as dry mouth or stomach cramps. Other treatments include dermatologist visits and lifestyle changes.

While there is no known cause for primary hyperhidrosis certain genes can play a role in the condition. A family history of hyperhidrosis can increase the likelihood of developing the condition. A majority of people who have primary hyperhidrosis have at least one parent or sibling who also suffers from the condition.


If you're feeling cold and clammy, you're probably suffering from a condition known as Raynaud's. This disease causes the blood vessels in the hands and feet to constrict. This slows blood flow and shunts it to vital organs. This causes clammy hands and feet and pale, wet skin.

Your hands and feet have a higher density of sweat glands than any other part of the body. While you can easily blame simple biology for this, you should know that it can also be caused by a number of factors, including heat, exercise, or stress. Fortunately, you can learn how to control sweating in your hands and feet.

The first thing to do is to determine what's causing the clammy skin. If the condition is not caused by an obvious cause, it could be a sign of a serious medical problem. If your hands and feet are always clammy, it's important to visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Stressful situations

If you've ever experienced clammy hands or feet, you know that it can be a sign of stress. The condition is often caused by shock. Shock is often thought of as emotional distress or a sudden feeling of fright that occurs in response to a traumatic event. However, the shock is also a physiological reaction to sudden decreases in blood pressure that can be dangerous if not treated promptly.

Stress, anxiety, and nervousness  are feelings that trigger a fight or flight response in your body. When you sense a threat, fight or flight response is activated.

So this response helps you deal with what makes you stressed. Also, it raises the temperature of your body. So your body starts to sweat to regulate your temperature and your sweat glands start to work.

If you are experiencing clammy hands and feet in response to stressful situations, you should seek medical attention immediately. Your doctor may ask you questions about the activities you do every day. This can help them to find the cause of your condition. Your healthcare provider may ask you about any current medications that you are taking. You should also seek medical attention immediately if you think you may be having a heart attack.

Excessive hot environment

Excessive sweating can be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition. It may be a sign of hyperhidrosis, menopause, or the common cold. It could also be a sign of internal bleeding or a heart attack. When the condition is left untreated, it can be fatal. Therefore, it's important to get treatment right away.

Your body sweats when it’s too hot to regulate your temperature. So staying in a hot room or place can cause sweating all over your body. And of course, your hands will also start to sweat and become clammy.

If you have hyperhidrosis your hands and feet are going to sweat more than usual. This can make you feel uncomfortable and even make you slip on a tile floor. It can also make your skin feels slippery and peel easily. It may also cause frequent skin infections. If you notice a significant increase in your sweating, it's best to consult a dermatologist.

Unhealthy diet

Your poor diet can impact your sweating. There is a food that makes you sweat if you eat it.  Food and beverages you should avoid are like: alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, fried food, garlic, and onion, processed food.

Eating this food raises your body temperature and increases heart rate. When this happens, your body starts to sweat to get rid of the extra heat. So you should eat more vegetables and fruits that have high water content. And drink plenty of water to hydrate your body.


Underlying health problems

Cold/clammy hands and feet can also cause finger discoloration, such as red or blue skin. This is caused by vaso-constriction of the blood vessels in the feet and hands, which restricts blood flow to the skin and vital organs. This is a sign of a disease known as Raynaud's.

Excessive sweating can be a symptom of other underlying problems such as: menopause, perimenopause, low blood sugar, diabetes, nervous system problems, heart attack, prostate cancer, or thyroid disorder.

Clammy hands could be a sign of a heart attack. So, if you experience other symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and pain in the arms and back, associated with clammy hands, you should seek immediate help. 

Your primary care doctor can help you determine whether this is an acute condition. However, sweating on the palms and feet doesn't necessarily mean a serious underlying problem and with treatment, you can control excessive sweat on your hands and feet.