Approximately 70 percent of adults over the age of 18 drink alcohol at least once each year. Many people consume alcohol in social settings and also enjoy the beverage as a way to relax and unwind on a consistent basis. Unfortunately, consuming the beverage can come at a cost and includes a few side effects that are prone to developing.

Lack of Coordination

Alcohol is known to disrupt the brain by interrupting the connections between the visual and muscle control regions of the brain. A lack of coordination can lead to dangerous behavior with your actions and can put both you and other individuals at risk. You can have compromised regions of the brain, which affect your ability to control your body and the movements that you make. This puts you at a higher risk of accidents.


Ulcers commonly develop for those who drink alcohol regularly because it weakens the stomach lining and can cause significant discomfort. You may begin to experience stomach aches or a burning sensation in the intestines or stomach, which can be chronic or acute. This health and wellness doctor explains ulcers can make it challenging to consume other types of acidic foods or beverages and can lead to complications of the intestinal tract if they fail to heal properly.

Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating is a common symptom of alcohol and can often lead to night sweats. This DUI consultant explains that alcohol has a harmful impact on the nervous system and can also widen the blood vessels in the body, which leads to sweating. They continue, long term exposure to alcohol can cause sweating problems that will persist even if you’re not actively drinking. Night sweats can also develop for those who are addicted to alcohol and suffer from withdrawals.

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Respiratory Issues

Many people are surprised to learn that drinking alcoholic beverages can lead to respiratory issues that develop over time. This alcohol treatment center explains that the lungs can be affected by alcohol due to lower levels of nitric oxide levels that are produced, which can make it difficult for the body to fight bacterial infections that develop. Alcohol disrupts the healthy balance in the lungs and can make it difficult to remain healthy and protect yourself from bacteria long-term. Those who drink in excess are also at a higher risk of developing lung disease due to a build-up of fat.

Understanding the side effects and how you're at risk of developing different conditions when drinking alcohol is necessary as an adult. By knowing how alcohol affects the different parts of the body, you can use caution and resort to healthier alternatives that are available.