Sweating may have less to do with gender than we thought, and more to do with body type and size. But when it comes to excessive sweating, there is at least one statistical difference between men and women — men are less likely to seek out treatment for their condition.
We also know this firsthand because we recently did a survey with our customers. And while there’s no data supporting that women sweat more than men, most of our customers are female, further suggesting it's women who seek ways to manage their sweating problem, not men.
There could be plenty of reasons for this disparity. Perhaps men feel isolated or embarrassed by their condition or perhaps they think it’s normal and there’s nothing they can do to treat it.
But the data tells a different story: Excessive sweating is as common as it is treatable. Some 15 million Americans are said to suffer from excessive sweating (though the real number is likely much higher). This includes countless men who may be sweating through their shirts needlessly.
In this post, we look at the common reasons why you may be excessively sweating and provide you with effective ways to manage it.
You can start treating your sweating underarms with Duradry today for just $20.
Hyperhidrosis in Men: Why Men Excessively Sweat (and How to Treat It)
When we say you’re suffering from “excessive sweating,” we aren’t just being descriptive, we are describing an actual medication condition called hyperhidrosis.
There are two types of hyperhidrosis: primary focal hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis.
The latter is caused by something else in your life, whether an underlying medical condition or as a side effect of medication. It can present as full-body sweats and can occur throughout the day or even as night sweats. Treating secondary generalized hyperhidrosis will depend on what’s causing it. For example, if it’s a side effect of medication, then you can talk to your doctor about switching medications.
But primary focal hyperhidrosis works differently. First, it hits specific parts of the body (hence the word focal).
Most often it’s in your armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis) but it can also occur in your feet, hands, forehead, and lower back.
And most importantly, there’s no known cause for primary focal hyperhidrosis. It’s simply a problem that needs to be managed because it can’t be cured.
Treating Hyperhidrosis
There are several ways to treat hyperhidrosis and because I have tried many of these, I can tell you personally that not all treatment options are created equal.
Prescription antiperspirants can keep you dry but come with painful side effects like skin irritations and inflammation. Then there are more invasive treatments, such as getting Botox injections into your armpits.
Not only are Botox injections very painful (speaking from personal experience), they’re also an expensive and short-term solution (you need to get new injections every 3-6 months).
I didn’t want to deal with Botox every 3 months, and I didn’t want the painful skin irritations brought on by prescription antiperspirant brands. But I also didn’t want to let my excessive sweating problems control my life.
I wanted a solution that was pain-free, affordable, and could be comfortably used for the rest of my life — so I created Duradry’s 3-Step system.

Duradry is a topical antiperspirant system that has helped 97% of our customers achieve full dryness within a week.
Here’s how it works:
Step One: Apply Duradry PM before you go to bed.
Duradry PM is an unscented gel antiperspirant. Duradry PM’s active ingredient is a 15% concentration of Aluminum Chloride. We chose to use Aluminum Chloride at that specific concentration because research shows it’s as effective as prescription-only antiperspirants, without the risks of skin irritation. We made the gel unscented so when you apply it before bed it doesn’t have a strong smell that will keep you (or your partner) awake.
We also put Salicylic Acid in Duradry PM. Salicylic Acid rids your body of dead skin, further reducing irritation or inflammation. This helps keep your underarms healthy, as well as dry.
Most of our customers see positive results when using Duradry PM 2-3x a week.
Step Two: Use Duradry Wash to clean your underarms.
It’s important that the ingredients in our antiperspirant products make full contact with your skin, to better permeate the surface and help plug your sweat ducts. But sometimes there is residue stuck in your pores (from soap, bacteria, oils) that keeps our ingredients from working properly.
That’s why Duradry’s 3-step system includes Duradry Wash. Duradry Wash deeply cleanses your skin more effectively than common body wash or soaps.
Plus, it contains moisturizers and vitamins to help keep your skin healthy.
Step Three: Use Duradry AM at the start of your day.
Duradry AM is a daily antiperspirant-deodorant that helps increase the effectiveness of Duradry PM. Duradry AM uses the strongest concentration of Aluminum Zirconium Trichlorohydrex allowed by the FDA to help keep you dry.
Using these products together creates Duradry’s 3-step system.
When you purchase Duradry, it’s delivered directly to you in a discreet box. You can save money by subscribing (which also keeps your stock replenished so you never have to worry about sweating again).
You can start treating your sweating underarms with Duradry today for just $20.
Other Types of Sweating Problems Men Can Experience
You may be suffering from a different type of sweating than hyperhidrosis, such as temporary bursts of excessive sweating due to anxiety or diet.
While there is overlap between certain sweating conditions, there is a difference between diet-induced sweating and a medical condition such as primary hyperhidrosis.
Below, we look at different types of sweating problems, and how to manage them.
Night Sweats

Night sweats are just what they sound like — sudden excessive sweating throughout the night when you’re trying to sleep. And while they’re often associated with women going through menopause, the truth is men can experience night sweats, too.
If you’ve just recently started experiencing night sweats, then we’d recommend you make an appointment with a healthcare professional. They can rule out more serious underlying causes of night sweats — such as bacterial infections and lymphoma — and help diagnose your sweating problem.
But low testosterone levels can also explain night sweats. While men’s testosterone levels drop as they get older, they normally don’t drop so low that you start sweating more. But if they do, then hormone treatments can help reduce or eliminate night sweats.
Anxiety Induced Sweating
We discussed the relationship between anxiety and sweating in an interview we conducted with the co-founder of the International Hyperhidrosis Society.
If you notice you always get anxious and sweaty at the same time, the two conditions could be related. To make matters worse, the presence of sweat can in turn exacerbate any ongoing anxiety, which then leads to more sweat.
To treat anxiety-induced sweating, you’re going to want to consult with a healthcare professional. They may recommend breathing exercises or types of meditation. But keep in mind that they could also recommend anti-anxiety medication.
The issue here is that plenty of different types of anti-anxiety medication and antidepressants can cause you to sweat (this is the secondary generalized hyperhidrosis we discussed above, where your excessive sweating is brought on by something).
Depending on where your sweating is occurring, Durardry’s 3-step system could be a powerful ally in helping you reign in your anxiety-induced sweats by giving you confidence and peace of mind.
That’s what happened with one of our customers, Josh Valdez. Josh Valdez had been dealing with hyperhidrosis since he was a kid. After nearly a decade of dealing with feeling alone with his problem, Josh saw an ad for Duradry.
In an interview we conducted with Josh, he told us “I didn’t think [my excessive sweating problem would] ever change. In that sense, Duradry has been a miracle...I can [now] wear what I want in public. I’m more confident at work. I’m more excited to do things.”
Dietary Induced Sweating
Diet can also lead you to sweat excessively. If this is the case, you should be able to isolate which foods are causing you to sweat heavily and eliminate this from your diet.
Generally speaking though, you can start by focusing on:
Foods high in sugar: When you ingest too much sugar, your body can create too much insulin as a result because it’s insulin that helps process sugar. But this in turn can lead to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which then makes your body release adrenaline, which can cause excessive sweating.
Spicy foods: Spicy foods often contain capsaicin. Capsaicin stimulates the nerve receptors in your mouth and convinces your brain that your body temperature is rising. So your brain does what it’s supposed to do and signals your sweat glands to start producing sweat to cool you down.
Alcohol: Alcohol consumption widens our blood vessels. This in turn warms us up (because more blood is flowing closer to our skin). To fight off this sudden warmth, our body sweats.
- Caffeine: Caffeine (like the amounts found in coffee and chocolate) can stimulate your nervous system, as well as lead you to exert yourself more than usual. Both of these things can heat you up, leading your body to cool you down.
It’s worth noting that dietary-induced sweating isn’t likely to be very excessive — at least when compared with hyperhidrosis. If you ate or drank something which warmed you up, then your body will sweat as a reaction. But the sweating should go away after a short period of time.
One final note: The above list of potential reasons you’re sweating more than usual is by no means exhaustive. Sweating can be a sign of a wide variety of issues, from fighting a common cold or infection to dealing with hyperthyroidism. If your sweating problem is new and undiagnosed, we recommend you consult with a medical professional to rule out any life-threatening conditions.
Staying Dry: How Men Can Treat Their Excessive Sweating Problems
Sweating is a normal biological process that occurs in healthy men and women. Similarly, both men and women can also suffer from excess sweating, but unfortunately, it’s men who are less likely to seek out treatment.
Maybe it’s because they’ve tried something in the past that didn’t work and gave up, or maybe they think they have to live with their sweating problem.
The good news is that there are ways for men to manage — and almost completely eliminate — excessive sweating.
Duradry’s 3-step system is an effective, affordable, and pain-free solution for treating hyperhidrosis.
By using the right ingredients at the right concentration, we can keep your skin dry, without drying it out. 97% of our customers see significant results within just one week of using our products.
You can start treating your sweating underarms with Duradry today for just $20.